My work in 2018 was heavily influenced by political movements and high profile scandals. Though often divisive, media outlets ushered in a wave of positive changes for victims of abuse. Through the #MeToo movement, millions of people around the world were empowered by a platform to speak up about their own experiences with harassment.

BRB is an experimental choose-your-own-adventure app designed in response to the #MeToo movement. As a child of the 90s, my formative years were spent outside, occasionally logging onto the family computer to play games, chat with friends, or explore the new frontier via Internet Explorer. BRB highlights the sometimes abrupt transitional shift that happens to girls exiting childhood by utilizing a playful aesthetic with a slightly sinister undertone.

App mockup. 2018

Initial sketches, color palette, light/color studies, sticker design

Adobe XD wireframe showing possible dialogue and story routes.

Various artboards from BRB