Chicken and beer festival? Yes, please.

This year, on July 30th, I attended what is arguably the tastiest festival I’ve ever been to. Food and drink stalls lined the streets, overflowing with huge selections of chicken and beer. Bellies were full to bursting. Beauty was everywhere.

Happiness, thy name is Daegu Chimac Festival.

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Whatever Works


As an EPIK teacher, I have to teach two weeks of English camp every summer and winter. This isn’t the type of camp that I was used to growing up as an American kid, though. There are no blobs, there are no campfires, there are no s’mores (unless you’re a glutton for punishment. Made that mistake once), and there’s definitely no sleeping here–contrary to what my students believe about me. I think they call it ‘camp’ to make it sound like something the kids will want to do.
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Iron Man Teacher


This is a conversation I had between myself, my coteacher, and a very disappointed 3rd grader around the time that “Captain America: Civil War” came out in Korea. The amount of thought he put in before he sighed and said he wished he could have Iron Man instead of me was adorable, even though he was basically wishing I could be someone else.

3rd graders are wonderful.